Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chore wars

The violet room is now on chore wars Chore wars is a brilliant website based on D&D but you do chores instead of your sterotypical quests. Any contributer on the violet room can join are party. And I encourage readers of this blog to make there own parties on chore wars.

<3 h0110w

Monday, May 24, 2010

Never fear admin is here

Changed the template
added a countup (since the violet room was created)
Wrote this message
finished my animation
Changed the header
But there are troubles with commenting

Sunday, May 23, 2010

IMPORtaint NEWs2

Umm it turned out my problem wasn't much of a problem...

the poll will continue

bla bla bla
<3 h0110w

IMPORtaint NEWs2

Umm it turned out my problem wasn't much of a problem...

the poll will continue

bla bla bla
<3 h0110w


I am going to change the layout of my blog and re-create all my wigets... i don't care any more...

!Epic! wins the "What do you think of doctor who?" poll

R18+ rating for video games in Australia

The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 40 (according to www.gamasutra.com/)

The average age of an adult video gamer has been found to be 35 (according to a survey from www.msnbc.msn.com)

The average gamer is 35 – 37 years old (according to studies from www.examiner.com)

The average gamer is 33 years old (according to ESRB, the international game ratings board (based in America) and www.gamasutra.com/)

So, from reading this you would presume that there are video games allowed in Australia that are restricted to adults, well then you would be sorely mistaken. In Australia there is no R18+ rating for video games in Australia. The reasons for this remain mainly unpublished as because they do not stand up to critique, arguments such as it will have a negative effect on society, video games are not for children and that only twisted people want to play these games.
Recently EB games ran a petition in support of the R18 rating. They gave the petition to federal attorneys department; it contained 30,000 signatures 16, 000 online submissions on 158kg of paper hand delivered to the department. Yet still nothing seems to be done about this issue. R18+ video games are not for children, not for the casual gamer. But as the statistics I have clearly outlined show, Video gaming is no longer just targeted at for children and violent video games have never been for children. Video games have evolved from pong and pac-man to super princess peach to call of duty. If the bureaucracy and the thinking that stood up to criticism would stop then no more time would be wasted in this irritating problem.

But people who make these decisions are convinced that the only result of R18+ rating will be a negative one on our society, but there will be very little change to our current gaming culture. For example the recent game left4dead 2 was not originally allowed to be sold or possessed in Australia because it did not fit the current rating system. It was then released later in Australia in a censored form, gamers were outraged saying “The censoring ruined the game” this resulted in 2 things. The sale illegitimate copies of the American release of the game (uncensored) to anyone of any age. None of the money from the sale of this went to the government (tax) and none of the money went to the people who created the game. The second thing that happened was that windows live arcade (for the x-box360 consol) would reaslease a modification for the cencored game allowing the full left4dead experience, but as of the time of the writing of this piece no such thing has happened. But if left4dead’s publishers and microsoft (the creator of the x-box360) agreed to this. The it would be perfectly leagal and legitimate as any release through x-box live arcade does not go through austalian clasification.
In fact the Office of Film and Literature Classification itself said in relation to left4dead 2: "The game contains violence that is high in impact and is therefore unsuitable for persons under 18 years to play," so from this one would infer if there was an R18+ rating this game would be allowed for sale in Australia uncensored but only to adults.

There is another point that bamboozles me. Some video games that I have played are come under the MA15+ rating, but they are in my opinion, very crude and violent. Games that if the R18+ rating existed would be under that classification not the lower one. A censorship board has a choice between not allowing classification (banning) and pushing it into a lower classification that it may not fit.
What would you pick?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Um... NEws

O really want to chang the layout of the violet room from its boring self to something new.
But i cant change it without del. all my wigets and view counters and whatnot.
So am going to try and resolve this... and then we will have a kickass layout.
So off i go consulting HTML coders and what not to fix this prob.
If you have a sol, plz tell me
<3s until next time

about me

me i am good
stuff this carp

fishy <")))><

fav colour: idk it changes with mood
i enjoy waching DR.WHO matt smith is ok
it seems the dr`s are getting younger
lolz BABY WHO ha funny.

New Graphics

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Speed Posting

I have just under 15 minutes to write a full post...
damn you time limited lunchtime!
So i donyt have a clue what I am going to write about what I am going to post.
Yeah i know... WTF are you talking about h0110w... well the truest answer is "I don't know, swings and roundabouts" IT crowd

The IT crowd is really awesome I have only watched series 2, That I borrowed from the local library. But I really want to watch the rest of it and I advise everyone to watch it because it is completely awesome!!! really really really awesome!!!

G2G have fun boys and girls

Monday, May 17, 2010

Surreal blogging

It seems that the most famous blogs in the world are surreal, ethereal, artistic and veeerrry deep.
There is nothing wrong with this sort of blogging but I would love to see more “down to earth” blogs.
This doesn’t mean shallow and uninteresting blogs or blogs that just state what people did on the weekend.
I mean well thought out blogs, talking about serious things (and sometimes no so serious things)
So many of the blogs I have found are a bit 2 hippy for my tastes (Though I love your blog Eri)
If any readers know of or have a “down to earth” blog or website (Non-commercial) then please tell me (via comment)
I will compile a list of them and put them as links in the sidebar for all eternity, So get huntin’

The Shadow's Love, Cover

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Tank's second intro

hello again from The TANK i just love lol cats

they should rule the earth any way gotta get to work seeya round.

The Tank's intro

hi you may never EVER know me at ALL,
but I do some very interesting Zelda shit.
my favorite colour is baby blue
and my favorite thing to do is blog all day (not true).
I also like to do animation(h0110w has to help me all the time though)
anyway that is most of the thing's I like
Love from THE TANK

Had a teaser planned for "The shadows love" but...

Blogger won't let me upload an image.
I am really annoyed!
Also a big welcome to
lets get bloggin' boys and girls

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New News - The shadows love

lots of the people who know me, know that i have been working on a very scary story for school!
Verrry soon I shall start posting the story in parts... it is about six pages so i may make about 10 parts and bring them out around once a week.

I also have a rant in the making...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

all about me

hi i'm h0110wPeTaL i am the creator and admin for the violet room.
My fave colour is purple, I am a geek, an artist, a writer, a social commentator and more.
My corner of the violet room shall be dedicated to all those things and a few more
Watch out for me!

Monday, May 10, 2010

all about me

Hey I’m Roxy chick 13 and here's some stuff about me.
My favourite colour is green. I barrack for the bombers though I tell my best friend I go for the pies.
I used to like school and now I think it is stupid and tests are torturous
lots more to say bt lunch is almost over g2g

Saturday, May 8, 2010

More artworks

here is some more for you to munch on

New header

No this is not doctor who (heh)
'tis h0110wPeTaL herself
Showing the effects of prolonged exposure to the violet room