Monday, April 19, 2010

doctor who is back

W00t Doctor Who, the series is back. Matt Smith is here and the school yard wars have returned.

The warring in the Australian doctor who scene and between the fans and the “Normal” people who just don’t get it is amazing. There are categories I have noticed in people relating to doctor who, here’s a few:

The Laughers

“HAHAHAHA, doctor who… your kidding right”

And this group of people, whenever they see a reference to doctor who they bother you with silly sarcastic questions, and the fan just put’s his/her head in his/her hands and weeps softly.

The Bored/Unenthusiastic

“Yeah, wow doctor who… I don’t care”

They occasionally forget what doctor who is, this group in the unfairness of the world, seems to be the main group that meets the doctor by chance, or the doctor talks to them and they are like… “Whatev” and when the fan finds out he/she again start softly weeping.


“Oh, I missed it this week?”

They watch it when it’s on they know the background but don’t care so much for the details. They watch it like “Normal” people.



There hate is beyond words, but they are not full of malice. They keep there thoughts to themselves but if you see them watching doctor who… be afraid, very afraid

The Shallow

“Totally like, when this sexy doctor goes… so do I”

The so called fans who just watch doctor who to stare at all the hot actors and actresses. They have watched a multitude of episodes but not even know what the daleks are. Some of them eventually fall in love with the show but until then…

The oldies

“no no no, there are only 8 doctors not 11”

The die hard fans who grew up with the “old” series. They are still in constant denial of doctors 9+. Best case scenario they just abuse the cast and crew of the “new” series. They know they would win any old series trivia challenge.

The n00bs

“What do you mean there is and eighth doctor, I though there was only three”

The new fans they have seen only a few episodes, like new companions they need to be guided and taught. Pure spirited and slightly gullible, note to more senior fans: don’t take advantage of that.

The Newbs

“I don’t really know”

They know the basics of doctor who but have a knowledge of mostly old or new series (More commonly now is new) But they aren’t going to be winning the local doctor who trivia challenge this week.

The Newes

“Asking me about the old series is cheating”

Have a reasonably advanced knowledge of the new series and would win almost any new series trivia challenge. But if they start bragging, ask them: Who played the first doctor?

The den mothers/fathers

“ahh, you see…”

The teachers and the well versed, explaining to there juniors about all the intricacies of doctor who whey have a well balanced knowledge of both new and old series though there knowledge is not infallible and there studies never end, they normally have specialties in there studies. They write the questions for the local doctor who trivia challenge

who are you?

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