Friday, June 18, 2010


There was once a boy named David, he was brave and kind living in an important village on the fringes of the kingdom. This village did have fertile sol to grow crops or deposits of valuable ore, its importance was in the knowledge it had.
This knowledge was in mediation and stopping the escalation of wars. It was the odd one out in an area filled with battling villages. Every few months a couple of village elders would come asking for help in settling disputes. In return for there help the village would get supplies of skins food, wood and the occasional specialty item. But in between these visits there was not much happening, there were no classes for boys and girls and the elders were always debating about this and that.
One day David and his friend, who were mostly boys, while skimming stones on the lake decided to take aim at a small bird with there stones. A tough young boy cracked the bird’s skull and a young lass picked it up and marched back to camp with it, along with the rest of David’s friends. It became a game where the person who killed the most got a small piece of leather or silver from the elders.
The elders thought this game was a great character building activity for the children.
A few months later the eldest children were offered swords and other weapons by the other tribes who had heard of there exploits. The elders were in outrage, these weapons are the cause of all evil in this world they all agreed and the children and the rest of the tribe were banned from even laying eyes upon them. And the whole tribe agreed that this was the way to go.
Years passed and David became of age, He wanted to use a bow to catch larger animals now he was of age, but the elders reaffirmed there statement of previous years, “Weapons are evil.”
David grew older, still believing that weapons were not the cause of the wars that surrounded to village. He was accepted to the council of elders and fought hard for change, but still nothing.
Years after that, The warring ended, There were great festivals and feasts all around the surrounding villages. David’s village was left out, and now there was no way for them to earn supplies. The once warring villages heard this and offered food or weapons to the village.
The village was offered a choice between living reliantly of the kindness of the people around them and hunting; the elders were drawn. Half not wanting to be so dependant and half fearing that weapons will cause war.
David who still strongly believed that every one should have the right to hunt with weapons made a speech to the council “These tools are just what, tools. Tools have no intelligence, they cannot breed murderers, if we keep strong in our views, we could starve on the words of our “friends”. As long as keep our values though, we can ban there use by children but allow those who are mature to use them, we will be free.”
All of he elder were convinced by this passionate speech, and decided to take the weapons. The children were not allows to use or touch the weapons. They lived peacefully forever after.

The End

Statement of intention

The issue in my allegory is the lack of a R18+ rating for video games in Australia.
Many People are under the delusion that video games:

a) Cause violent behavior in real life
b) Are just for children

In my allegory I use medieval times to represent that our society is living in the past compared to other progressive views around the world.
I also use children to represent the gaming industries humble beginning (60s game arcades and then the creation of the “Nintendo generation” late 70s - 80s)
I use stones to represent the innocent beginning of video games and swords as the modern games, and this progression representing the aging and evolution of the Nintendo Generation.
The fear of war being the fear of violence in society, and the choice between food and weapons being an amplified trigger between social ideas and social pressure.

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