Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Dream Cafe

My dream café, @tropicalfoxtrot and I were discussing, although playfully about opening out own café as we are both coffee addicts. And this got be thingking again about what for me would constute the ideal café. So if anyone out there who loves we is planning to open a café and loves me, then here is a quick guide on how to impress me.

Cheap: yeah, I want there to be the cheapest of the cheap options. I’m not saying I wouldn’t buy anything more expensive, but if you offer a cheap driplator coffee for like a dollar a cup. I will proberply frequent your shop everyday. Snaacks and meals that are closer to what you would hake at home, cheese and vegemite on wholemeal does not cost $5 and I will not pay $5 for it.

Wifi: internet access is one of my necessaries, being able to sit and type away online or peruse the finest drivel the internet has to offer sums up a good experience. Make it cheap or for example free, but only if you buy 5 cups of coffee

Get to know me: I announce my thoughts to the world both online and off, im sure we will be the best of friends. Learn my name and learn my intrests, my visits are more likely to be longer and I’ll buy more. But also (unless your full to bursting) let me hang around either alone or with my friends without pressuring me to buy. (though if you have really cheap coffee then I will most likely be constantly buying :D)

Keep it cool: make yopur décor sturdy and stylish. Don’t just go for a simple tables and chairs set-up. Try big communal tables and private booths too, make youre cafe a social hub. Be open long hours, preferably 24/7 and make the atomoshere at all hour, safe and inviting. I have to request a tech/steam punk orantaed design, with keyboards on the walls and maybe the odd typewriter in the center of a table

Make it individual: and support my individuality, give me a discount on my coffee if I bring my own mug, give your different types of coffee cool names, this one place I passed named each style of coffee ranging from decaf (still asleep) to strong hard blend (start my heart) I think a lot of people would try even the worst coffee if it has a cute and catchy name, make it feel like a secret society.

Reward me: if I frequent your establishment everyday for hours at a time and buy a few litres of coffee and a dozen sandwiches. Reward me, more coffee is one way. But be creative, you could get t-shirts made or badges that announce my loyalty, they also advertise your café so you win too. Put specials on sites such as foursquare, like the mayor gets free coffee, aqgain, its more advertising and it starts up a competition between friends over who can visit and purchase stuff the most often.

Support your customers endevors: have a notice board and space for your customers to exibit art, it will liven the place up and encourage your cutomers to tell people to visit your esablisment to check out there art. A notice board will show customers that you care for them by giving a place to place there ads. They might stick around a bit longer and buy a sandwich to say thank you for helping them find a new roomie.

Location: now this request is purely selfish and just for me, but it does have some benefits to you. First up, please make your store in melbopurne, this is where I live and plan to live for the next half decade, if you do make your café in Melbourne please make it in Hawthorne around Swinburne uni or the CBD along Swanston or Elizabeth street. If you mangage to do this you will get a fair bit of traffic from students from nearby unis. I’d just look for the closest sudent accommodation and build near that, if your open 24/7 and make a decent hangover cure (although I don’t drink) all the better for your wallet.

So I think that just about sums my wants in a café, if you have any more suggestions please post in the comments section below.

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