Saturday, July 3, 2010
What type of gamer is H0110wPeTaL
The Dead-Eye
Take this quiz
She wants to shoot things. Zombies, Nazis, targets, aliens ... makes no difference to her, so long as she gets to fire a weapon.
Monday, June 28, 2010
My laptop has a spine as flexible and slippery as a banana peel
what i mean if this laptop got much more broken a would break it
The audio only works if i plug in headphones, if i the n unplug the headphones the inbuilt speakers suddenly work
i just plugged in a memory stick and it wasn't recognised, its running vista (I don't need to say more)
it has at least 20 virii that the anti virus doesn't pickup, i tryed to install photoshop and flash, but the disc wasn't working.
So i cant play flash games
i am going to download oldblivion eventullly but knowing my luck, the laptop won't meet the minimum system req.
I have watched 2 many zero puntuation vids.
Loving the fact he is crazy and a aussie (Just like me)
Wondering if i should remove all punct from this post as a tribute
but you kno me (CBF)
this post sounds like a bunch of twitter posts slammed back to back
i have never been online reg. enuff on a computer that has unrestricted internet access to use twitter with a point
so i blog
i am going to see if rebooting this laptop will help.
but i know that it will prob make things worse so i am going to go into the task mang. (If it will let me) and end all the strange processes.
So i hopefully will post soon
This laptop is almost as stupid as redbubble
Thursday, June 24, 2010
You tube exitement
but very soon i will be adding a series of borderlands, oblivion and poss. fallout 3 video tutorials. (I will tell you when i start realesing them) they may be rubbish, but please watch them. As always shadows love is comming soon, my Desktop computer has crashed so i'm on the laptop, im at work exp. and loving it. G2G in about 3 sec. but im gonna stretch it.
But i dunno what to write, it will come to me as soon as i am offline.
See ya boys, babes and bots
Monday, June 21, 2010
Commenting is working
I don't have a clue why it has started working but it has.
so there is no reason why you cant comment.
but plz no flaming
Friday, June 18, 2010
To make up for the delay...
Sorry again guys
My True Paradox
Echoes of meaning
In the silence
Fog and mist
Making life easy
Your Imperfect life
A wondrous picture
Of just you
Your supposed flaws
I am alone
My shadowed path
So perfectly balanced
Is with you
Of your form
Still my Mystery
My true Paradox
This knowledge was in mediation and stopping the escalation of wars. It was the odd one out in an area filled with battling villages. Every few months a couple of village elders would come asking for help in settling disputes. In return for there help the village would get supplies of skins food, wood and the occasional specialty item. But in between these visits there was not much happening, there were no classes for boys and girls and the elders were always debating about this and that.
One day David and his friend, who were mostly boys, while skimming stones on the lake decided to take aim at a small bird with there stones. A tough young boy cracked the bird’s skull and a young lass picked it up and marched back to camp with it, along with the rest of David’s friends. It became a game where the person who killed the most got a small piece of leather or silver from the elders.
The elders thought this game was a great character building activity for the children.
A few months later the eldest children were offered swords and other weapons by the other tribes who had heard of there exploits. The elders were in outrage, these weapons are the cause of all evil in this world they all agreed and the children and the rest of the tribe were banned from even laying eyes upon them. And the whole tribe agreed that this was the way to go.
Years passed and David became of age, He wanted to use a bow to catch larger animals now he was of age, but the elders reaffirmed there statement of previous years, “Weapons are evil.”
David grew older, still believing that weapons were not the cause of the wars that surrounded to village. He was accepted to the council of elders and fought hard for change, but still nothing.
Years after that, The warring ended, There were great festivals and feasts all around the surrounding villages. David’s village was left out, and now there was no way for them to earn supplies. The once warring villages heard this and offered food or weapons to the village.
The village was offered a choice between living reliantly of the kindness of the people around them and hunting; the elders were drawn. Half not wanting to be so dependant and half fearing that weapons will cause war.
David who still strongly believed that every one should have the right to hunt with weapons made a speech to the council “These tools are just what, tools. Tools have no intelligence, they cannot breed murderers, if we keep strong in our views, we could starve on the words of our “friends”. As long as keep our values though, we can ban there use by children but allow those who are mature to use them, we will be free.”
All of he elder were convinced by this passionate speech, and decided to take the weapons. The children were not allows to use or touch the weapons. They lived peacefully forever after.
The End
Statement of intention
The issue in my allegory is the lack of a R18+ rating for video games in Australia.
Many People are under the delusion that video games:
a) Cause violent behavior in real life
b) Are just for children
In my allegory I use medieval times to represent that our society is living in the past compared to other progressive views around the world.
I also use children to represent the gaming industries humble beginning (60s game arcades and then the creation of the “Nintendo generation” late 70s - 80s)
I use stones to represent the innocent beginning of video games and swords as the modern games, and this progression representing the aging and evolution of the Nintendo Generation.
The fear of war being the fear of violence in society, and the choice between food and weapons being an amplified trigger between social ideas and social pressure.
His touch
Leaves a tingle over my skin
His kiss
A burn
His left hand
On the base of my spine
His right
Firmly holding mine
A movement
A twirl
A spin
His chest
Against my back, I can feel his heartbeat
His Shoulder
Solid yet Warm
His eyes
Are fire, a determination beneath a lie
His hair
Reflecting a golden light
A step
A stroke
A measure
His right arm
Holding me tight
His left
Holding me tighter
His Smile
Warming me in its glow
His legs
Firmly planted on the ground
No Footsteps
No roads
No wind
Music for my soul
Two bodies one essence
Absence of Dark
Yet not Vivid
Why I was crying
As the tears trace
Down his jaw
It was what I saw
He made me shed tears
Show him my fears
Only more violently
My sobs made him shudder
When we could not utter
He saw the dove
Over and above
I felt like I was falling
As the pale bird was diving
I look at my beloved
He was all I loved
Why was I crying
I was not dying
I was so animated
I was elated
And he was breathing
Holding me unyielding
I was no longer descending
Nor was I rising
I was with my adored
I could not be bored
I could not be sad
I could not be bad
It was the present
And not the descent
The countryside was bright
Filled with his light
And then my reality
Was torn apart
As I awoke
So near yet so far
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
I know its been ages, but im back
But i have plans to write more soon,
I know the shadows love was ment to be realesed... um 3 weeks ago or something, but there have been some technical problems.
I am trying to motivate the tank , roxychick13 and crazyking 2 write someting.
but its not working. If they don't write someting soon I am kicking there butts out of here!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Chore wars
<3 h0110w
Monday, May 24, 2010
Never fear admin is here
added a countup (since the violet room was created)
Wrote this message
finished my animation
Changed the header
But there are troubles with commenting
Sunday, May 23, 2010
IMPORtaint NEWs2
the poll will continue
bla bla bla
<3 h0110w
IMPORtaint NEWs2
the poll will continue
bla bla bla
<3 h0110w
!Epic! wins the "What do you think of doctor who?" poll
R18+ rating for video games in Australia
The average age of an adult video gamer has been found to be 35 (according to a survey from
The average gamer is 35 – 37 years old (according to studies from
The average gamer is 33 years old (according to ESRB, the international game ratings board (based in America) and
So, from reading this you would presume that there are video games allowed in Australia that are restricted to adults, well then you would be sorely mistaken. In Australia there is no R18+ rating for video games in Australia. The reasons for this remain mainly unpublished as because they do not stand up to critique, arguments such as it will have a negative effect on society, video games are not for children and that only twisted people want to play these games.
Recently EB games ran a petition in support of the R18 rating. They gave the petition to federal attorneys department; it contained 30,000 signatures 16, 000 online submissions on 158kg of paper hand delivered to the department. Yet still nothing seems to be done about this issue. R18+ video games are not for children, not for the casual gamer. But as the statistics I have clearly outlined show, Video gaming is no longer just targeted at for children and violent video games have never been for children. Video games have evolved from pong and pac-man to super princess peach to call of duty. If the bureaucracy and the thinking that stood up to criticism would stop then no more time would be wasted in this irritating problem.
But people who make these decisions are convinced that the only result of R18+ rating will be a negative one on our society, but there will be very little change to our current gaming culture. For example the recent game left4dead 2 was not originally allowed to be sold or possessed in Australia because it did not fit the current rating system. It was then released later in Australia in a censored form, gamers were outraged saying “The censoring ruined the game” this resulted in 2 things. The sale illegitimate copies of the American release of the game (uncensored) to anyone of any age. None of the money from the sale of this went to the government (tax) and none of the money went to the people who created the game. The second thing that happened was that windows live arcade (for the x-box360 consol) would reaslease a modification for the cencored game allowing the full left4dead experience, but as of the time of the writing of this piece no such thing has happened. But if left4dead’s publishers and microsoft (the creator of the x-box360) agreed to this. The it would be perfectly leagal and legitimate as any release through x-box live arcade does not go through austalian clasification.
In fact the Office of Film and Literature Classification itself said in relation to left4dead 2: "The game contains violence that is high in impact and is therefore unsuitable for persons under 18 years to play," so from this one would infer if there was an R18+ rating this game would be allowed for sale in Australia uncensored but only to adults.
There is another point that bamboozles me. Some video games that I have played are come under the MA15+ rating, but they are in my opinion, very crude and violent. Games that if the R18+ rating existed would be under that classification not the lower one. A censorship board has a choice between not allowing classification (banning) and pushing it into a lower classification that it may not fit.
What would you pick?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Um... NEws
But i cant change it without del. all my wigets and view counters and whatnot.
So am going to try and resolve this... and then we will have a kickass layout.
So off i go consulting HTML coders and what not to fix this prob.
If you have a sol, plz tell me
<3s until next time
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Speed Posting
damn you time limited lunchtime!
So i donyt have a clue what I am going to write about what I am going to post.
Yeah i know... WTF are you talking about h0110w... well the truest answer is "I don't know, swings and roundabouts" IT crowd
The IT crowd is really awesome I have only watched series 2, That I borrowed from the local library. But I really want to watch the rest of it and I advise everyone to watch it because it is completely awesome!!! really really really awesome!!!
G2G have fun boys and girls
Monday, May 17, 2010
Surreal blogging
There is nothing wrong with this sort of blogging but I would love to see more “down to earth” blogs.
This doesn’t mean shallow and uninteresting blogs or blogs that just state what people did on the weekend.
I mean well thought out blogs, talking about serious things (and sometimes no so serious things)
So many of the blogs I have found are a bit 2 hippy for my tastes (Though I love your blog Eri)
If any readers know of or have a “down to earth” blog or website (Non-commercial) then please tell me (via comment)
I will compile a list of them and put them as links in the sidebar for all eternity, So get huntin’
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Tank's second intro
The Tank's intro
but I do some very interesting Zelda shit.
my favorite colour is baby blue
and my favorite thing to do is blog all day (not true).
I also like to do animation(h0110w has to help me all the time though)
anyway that is most of the thing's I like
Love from THE TANK
Had a teaser planned for "The shadows love" but...
I am really annoyed!
Also a big welcome to
lets get bloggin' boys and girls
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New News - The shadows love
Verrry soon I shall start posting the story in parts... it is about six pages so i may make about 10 parts and bring them out around once a week.
I also have a rant in the making...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
all about me
My fave colour is purple, I am a geek, an artist, a writer, a social commentator and more.
My corner of the violet room shall be dedicated to all those things and a few more
Watch out for me!
Monday, May 10, 2010
all about me
My favourite colour is green. I barrack for the bombers though I tell my best friend I go for the pies.
I used to like school and now I think it is stupid and tests are torturous
lots more to say bt lunch is almost over g2g
Saturday, May 8, 2010
New header
'tis h0110wPeTaL herself
Showing the effects of prolonged exposure to the violet room
Sunday, April 25, 2010
r u 1337 (elite)
Are you a true gamer.
are you a member of club nintendo. (Sorry guys i'm not... I got my invite but I never botherd joining)
do you laugh at most video game trivia questions like:
What's a NES?
What does COD mean in a video game context?
r u a 1337 ga/\/\3r b|xh?
are you 1337 or an adict... 'cause adicts scare me a bit
'cause I am looking for you.
Anyone who loves mmorpgs, cod, ol' skool nintendo.
I would love you send me an email (
Contributers for articles
some "nifty scripters" to make my webpage better
or convince me i need you for some other reason
This is for volunteers only
Doctor No (Film Critique)
Click here the IMDB page for Doctor No.
Doctor no, before the time of the feminine M. There was a man in a grey suit thick glasses, very much a male boss. Doctor No is a film made for men, for both there entertainment, fantasizing and tears over male inadequacy compared to bond. Though it is entertaining to both men and women (Bond is quite the handsome gentleman).
It clearly reflects the times of both the film and the book of Doctor No by Ian Fleming. Smooth accent provided by Sean Connery himself, in the role that made him famous. Due to a combination of that accent, reaction times equally sharp as his wit and intelligence he made espionage the dream job of the day. Backed by an icon theme, especially that guitar riff. That just makes most people want to smile suavely and claim to be “Bond, James Bond”
Doctor no’s fight scenes are unconvincing, in both execution of the fight. The throws being incredibly stiff, the punches never giving the illusion of connecting and the cutting of the film used in an attempt to make the actor appear if he has been thrown brutally into the floor is a flunk. The music being a distraction from the fight and highlighting the awkwardness and incorrect pacing and overall speed of the fight.
A white Felix Lighter also reflecting the times compared to the modern casino royal’s African American version of Felix Lighter, (Lighter is also portrayed as an African American in some of the later films well before Casino Royal.) In Doctor No, Lighter is boring and immediately gives me a negative vibe. The pacing of the film is awful anyway until bond gets inside Dr. No’s Fortress
There is a strong level of racism and some sexism in the film; though it is existent in the book it is accentuated. With all the Black characters believing in sprits and superstition along with some of the women, women being “feisty” and just there to entertain or be protected. With the Chinese women obviously on the bad side or being “Smilers” grinning and apologizing, simply stupid. Doctor No’s name itself is a pun, taking oriental name that might actually be pronounced “noh” and turning it into no a sign of disobedience and unwillingness to co-operate. All of the good guys in the film are White American or Englishmen. Transforming Felix from black to white accentuates racism and removing Honey Riders disfigured nose (That was included in the book) along with her “Cutely Feisty” not “Strong Woman” adds to the objectivcation of women in Doctor No.
The ingenious nature of Bond still stands with using a hair to tell if a door has been opened and other tricks. If you can ignore or cope with the fact that the film was made to stroke the egos of middle aged white men of that era, who did not acknowledge other races or women as even half as good as they were.
“leave the movie alone and read the book, or listen to the talking book”
2.5 stars
Monday, April 19, 2010
New Header
All imaged unless otherwise stated are (C) bbc and I have no permission to use them or ownership of these images
doctor who is back
The warring in the Australian doctor who scene and between the fans and the “Normal” people who just don’t get it is amazing. There are categories I have noticed in people relating to doctor who, here’s a few:
The Laughers
“HAHAHAHA, doctor who… your kidding right”
And this group of people, whenever they see a reference to doctor who they bother you with silly sarcastic questions, and the fan just put’s his/her head in his/her hands and weeps softly.
The Bored/Unenthusiastic
“Yeah, wow doctor who… I don’t care”
They occasionally forget what doctor who is, this group in the unfairness of the world, seems to be the main group that meets the doctor by chance, or the doctor talks to them and they are like… “Whatev” and when the fan finds out he/she again start softly weeping.
“Oh, I missed it this week?”
They watch it when it’s on they know the background but don’t care so much for the details. They watch it like “Normal” people.
There hate is beyond words, but they are not full of malice. They keep there thoughts to themselves but if you see them watching doctor who… be afraid, very afraid
The Shallow
“Totally like, when this sexy doctor goes… so do I”
The so called fans who just watch doctor who to stare at all the hot actors and actresses. They have watched a multitude of episodes but not even know what the daleks are. Some of them eventually fall in love with the show but until then…
The oldies
“no no no, there are only 8 doctors not 11”
The die hard fans who grew up with the “old” series. They are still in constant denial of doctors 9+. Best case scenario they just abuse the cast and crew of the “new” series. They know they would win any old series trivia challenge.
The n00bs
“What do you mean there is and eighth doctor, I though there was only three”
The new fans they have seen only a few episodes, like new companions they need to be guided and taught. Pure spirited and slightly gullible, note to more senior fans: don’t take advantage of that.
The Newbs
“I don’t really know”
They know the basics of doctor who but have a knowledge of mostly old or new series (More commonly now is new) But they aren’t going to be winning the local doctor who trivia challenge this week.
The Newes
“Asking me about the old series is cheating”
Have a reasonably advanced knowledge of the new series and would win almost any new series trivia challenge. But if they start bragging, ask them: Who played the first doctor?
The den mothers/fathers
“ahh, you see…”
The teachers and the well versed, explaining to there juniors about all the intricacies of doctor who whey have a well balanced knowledge of both new and old series though there knowledge is not infallible and there studies never end, they normally have specialties in there studies. They write the questions for the local doctor who trivia challenge
who are you?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Notice a similarity
Now to announce my amazing love of games especialy those made by Bethsoft (Bethesda Softworks)So now for my first challange. Are these screencaps of the same game or differant ones (For bonus points name the game(s)) I will answer when I can be botherd. Along with A review of at least one game.
p.s. poetry coming soon
Friday, March 19, 2010
Reply from RedBubble
We really do not like removing accounts, and I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. I hope you can understand that due to the legal implications we can not delay removing underage accounts if they are reported to us. We need to remove them as soon as possible which is why no notice is given. When signing up, we make it as clear as possible that you must be 16 to create an account, because we want to stress the importance of this condition to membership.
Currently, the best compromise we are able to offer, is that we welcome parents and guardians to upload their child's work to the parents account. However, we ask that parents do not operate a separate account for their child.
Sorry about your account, I hope we will see you again on RedBubble after your 16th birthday.
My reply
you seem to miss the main points/questions that I am bringing up.
Firstly when I joined this was not enforced/did not exist. If I knew I would NEVER have joined let alone upload over 100 artworks and become a host of not one but two groups. In fact it was one of my teacher's ideas to specifically join RedBubble as she thought it would be the perfect way for me to exhibit my manga drawings and participate in an art community. (Also the reason why a parent cannot upload this for me) the fact that until I got suspended there was no warning for people who were already members. Yes I would fight it but I would have the dignity to leave before I was expunged
Secondly, I have requested legal documentation, proving that RedBubble cannot accept an U16 year old as a member.
Thirdly, my parents are 110% okay with my participation on RedBubble. Is there away for them to agree to RedBubble's conditions on my behalf. (I included a simple model on how this is possible in my original email)
Fourthly, the popularity I have gained has taken alot of hard work over the year that I was a member. And it will be another year until I can "Legally" join again. By that time I will mostly forgotten, what a way to waste a year, I cannot even tell people what my new about where I exhibit my art now
Fifthly, Does my page still exist, will it exist when I try to logon when I do turn 16.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Quotes I like
Read MY favorite quotes ever!
War doesn't determine who's right,
just who's left
- Unknown
When there is no enemy within,
the enemies outside cannot hurt you
- Unknown
I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes.
It involves Russia
- Woody Allen
Anything worth fighting for
is worth fighting dirty for
- Unknown
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
- Albert Einstein
Join the Army, meet interesting
people, kill them
- Unknown
Computers are useless.
They can only give you answers
- Picasso
Computers in the future may weigh
no more than 1.5 tons
- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
No matter how fast your computer
system runs, you will eventually come
to think of it as slow
- Unknown
(Computers)A pretty okay substitute for a life
- Unknown
Want to make your computer go really fast? Throw it out the window
- Unknown
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history
- with the possible exceptions of
handguns and tequila
- Mitch Ratliffe
If you can't beat your computer
at chess, try kickboxing
- Unknown
C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Real programmers can write assembly
code in any language
- Larry Wall
There are two ways to write error-free programs. Only the third one works
- Unknown
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning
- Rich Cook
Beware of Programmers
who carry screwdrivers
- Leonard Brandwein
The world is coming to an end.
Please log off
- Unknown
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents
- Nathaniel Borenstein
Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the yin and yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao. But do not program in Cobol or Fortran if you can help it
- Geoffrey James
Modern Maths
Taken with a fujifilm camera
levels edited with photoshop
thanks Mr. K for writing maths notes on the board
some situations like this one make me wish you could capitalize numbers (FOUR-OH-FOUR doesn't count)not only has my page been suspended but it is also hidden or possibly deleted. I don't want to turn this into a fight over either ethics or law. As I have stated in all matters (excluding this one), I have great respect for rb's admin. they are busy but always respectful and normally willing to help out rbubblers.
Maybe I am paranoid or still very upset from what has happened but I feel like the lack of courtesy to us younger redbubblers is due to the very thing that sets us apart from the rest of the rb community. age.
And I wonder if some of the older rbubblers realize the distance between even 12 and 13 or 15 and 16 in my case. Remember when you were 12 and you were just bursting to be 13 so you could be called A TEENAGE. or the distance between that and 18, where in Australia you can then drink, drive (independently of course)and more. And 16 has now become a new goal for people, you can leave home, leave school, get a fulltime job... and now... join redbubble It just seems a bit odd.
I don't want to sell my art
I just want to get the chance to show the world that I am made of,
there was an artwork that I wanted to add to my RedBubble on the 13th of March... I forgot and then it was too late. So I have decided that at the end of each post I will add one artwork, as relevant as possible or sometimes completely random.
This one is a celebration of my world's greatest shave I encourage everyone to click the link and participate if you can.
The photo is titled: One year ago
Photo taken by: Alexei Ymer-Welsby
on a: Pentax K10d (don't know the settings or the lens)
Photomanip: By h0110wPeTaL
on: Photoshop
Thank you again to my loyal sponsors ($800 w00t)
And Mr. Xuereb (he shaved my head)
Alexei, the photographer
Mr. U and yr 12 class of '09 for organising it
All of 9f for their support
My family for letting me
and anyone I have forgotten
Monday, March 15, 2010
I tried logging into my RedBubble account (fireisoblivion) and it told me my account is suspended. I then checked my email, as you do. And it told me it is because I am under 16 years of age. I am immensely upset and distraught by this I have spent hundreds of thousands of hours uploading commenting on artworks learning and displaying my art in a location that I can tell to my teachers, interested family friends and other people who I don't have the time to personally show my artworks to. It is a place where I can also give my skills and time to others by hosting, as you are most likely aware I host 2 groups, as the founding member of both in the case of one group "
I understand that RedBubble is backed against a wall in this situation as they are not the law or have any control over it. But I must complain about a few things to do with RedBubble's dealing with this situation:
Firstly the fact that I had ABSOLUTLY NO WARNING that this was going to occur... I did not even have the time to do a ton of cleaning up activities like: working out new hosts for some of my groups, writing a particular bubblemail to someone who I hoped to become better friends with. (And no I don't have any of her other contact details) Writing a farewell letter so my friends and fans know exactly what's going on and how upset I am about it. Just you know the little things.
As I have just recently imported my 100th Art work (not including poems journals etc.) It is quite implausible to upload my art work to a parents' page so I propose a system that I hope RedBubble might be able to use to resolve this:
No under 16 can join unless a guardian registers a "Guardian's account" claiming responsibility for there Childs/wards/others actions and agreeing to the contract on behalf of the child. This maybe impossible for RedBubble to do either legally or effort wise but I encourage them to do so, as they are losing an important part of the RedBubble community.
Regards and Best Wishes
I hope this will only be for now... but goodbye RedBubble