Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being Late

Being a vce student can be hard work, and most of the administrative decisions made by my school immensely annoy me, one of which is the reason a have the time to start writing this blog post. Our school has a rule that if you are late then the teacher in all there infinite wisdom can refuse you entry to the class and it is counted as a unapproved absence that you have to catch up later.

I don’t choose to be late, I hate being late, for anything. I find it humiliating and feel it reflects badly on me. But the most humiliating thing that I have experienced is entering a class room. Only for the teacher to tell you to bugger off and comeback at the start of the next period. I have be studying at least one vce subject for the past 5 terms and this has never happened to me, until today. Okay I understand there need to be a punishment, especially for the student s who turn up late for almost every class, but I don’t think that should be administrated by the teachers. I know one student who has been chronically late for the past term, and I don’t believe that he has been sent out of a class, all because he has nice teachers who excuse his behavior. For most of term one, I was turning up to school most likely before most of my teachers. When I was late to this particular class, first period. I was sent out in shame.

This should be managed by the coordinators and the punishment not be of determent to our education, like missing classes. Or even if its counted as an absence we get to make up but will still get to complete our classes

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