Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ICT in schools (Part One)

ICT is the abbreviation for Information Communication Technology, a complex way of saying IT. I am a wannabe techie and a gamer so obviously, technology and how I learn it in school is important to me. If someone asked my how ICT is in my school, I would have to say excessively poor, and particularly annoying. So I am going to try and Summarize it.
I must start on a topic that I have particularly experienced and still irks me today, multimedia. Multimedia at our school was at the uppermost level software as of 2000, with the installation of Photoshop 6 on the school’s server; the first version of Photoshop to have the now famous (possibly infamous) Liquefy tool. As of 2010 the school made the profound leap to Photoshop 11, also known as Photoshop CS4. But few teachers understood the implications and advancements of this software with over 50 major updates occurring between Photoshop 6 and the release of Photoshop CS4. This is a major culture shift, 6 months after the shift; I personally had the blessing of a teacher attempt to teach me and around 25 others, Photoshop CS4, using the methods of Photoshop 6. I must admit through the tasks that he gave us, I did learn some skills that were invaluable in my overall photo manipulation skills. But there were so many aspects of Photoshop that this teacher was ignorant of, He was teaching a class with the majority of students most profound digital art being produced with MS paint (kind of like comparing walking to driving a Lamborghini) Students were being taught difficult and outdated methods of doing simple things, due to the fact that this teacher did not know the simpler methods. He was and as far as I know still it trapped in the groove that was carved by being trapped in the old technology, and the school overall did not care enough to make sure that this teacher had the necessary training to teach students, I as a student who had little experience with Illustrator I also had the blessing of being taught Illustrator by him, It was a scary experience that almost drove me off using illustrator forever. This year luckily I have a better teacher and constant and current users of illustrator, such as True Nuff’s “Threeboy” encouraging me to expand my skills in Illustrator and I have to give thanks to them. I must admit that I still think the pen tool is going to be the death of me.

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