Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So recently @londonjustin wrote a blog post about faith from a view point that I shall crudely surmise as Agnostic and his friend @the_helen replied from a Christian viewpoint.

So I though considering my deep diving into the bible via the bible project (that's having a little nap at the moment and moving to tumblr in the next few weeks). I though I should put my own views and experiences in to this discussion.

I was Anti-Christian, I thought all Christians and Churches were deeply flawed, worshipping an evil god on the wrong terms. I have found peace in my own faith (witchcraft, neo-paganism)and through my faith learnt a valuable lesson. That people are people, and institutions are institutions. As Helen brought up some Christian groups have done amazing work that has helped many many people without discrimination based on their faiths, nationalities, races, or Identity.

There have also been things done in the name of the Christian god that are so horrible and twisted and the though of them, though many are long past; were what haunted me in the times when I was strongly Anti-Christian.

But you can't judge all video games because one is mental and nor can you judge all churches or Christian sects just because one particular one is filled with nutters. Each person is an individual and each person follows the word of God/Goddess/Neither/Other differently. As Helen wrote "Someone’s faith is a part of them the same as their character is-I’m sure you wouldn’t shun someone because they are extremely extrovert." and I guess that is true, but in my case further than that... would you shun somebody because of what you thought they believed. Would you presume that my belief in my Lady and the fact I wear a Pentical means that I am a Satanist or an Evil Witch, or a little from column a and a little from column b?

I judged Christians and Christian Organizations based on that mindset for a time.

My most important point must be though, through my faith I learnt to love. To respect and love everyone, and I don't think anyone can deny that whatever causes you to respect and love is not a bad thing.

(Sorry if this doesn't make much sense its past 1am and I really need to catch some Zs)

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